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Successful Events & Fundraisers

Thank you !!  Thank you !! Thank you !!

24 hour Bowlathon Fundraiser Update

Almost $30,000 was raised during this event which enabled Calvin to purchase much needed equipment (such as a cancer-specific hospital grade bed, and support his family whilst he was unable to work.   Calvin must continue with expensive chemo treatment due to the aggressive nature of his cancer, however in Sept 2022 Calvin's body was found to be cancer free.  He has also just been selected to represent Australia in the Bowls World Championships in 2023.

1pm 25th January through to 1pm 26th January 2022

Kitchen open for dinner on Tuesday 25th January

BBQ fired up for lunch on Australia Day 26th January

Bar open; Bowling Coaches on hand

Silent Auctions and much more at the

Harvey Bowling Club

Donations can be made to Bridging Communities

BSB 066-000 Acc 11575490 

where 100% of donations go to the cause

Harvey Hoons triumph over Bulldust Rally

​Recently a vehicle participated in the annual Bulldust n Back Car rally event, driven by our local RAC man, Allan Hollow and co-pilot Kate Bond. Harvey Primary School was a major contributor to the event and the car reflects the painted hand prints of many of the primary school children. The Bulldust N back car was sponsored by so many local businesses wanting to help local families, and raised over $10,000 for local causes. The fundraising was the serious part of the Rally but that's not to say they didn't have a whole lot of fun on rough and unmade tracks through the south west.

Bridging Communities are blessed to have such dedicated community members looking out for each other. Well done Allan & Kate !!

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