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Illness and hard times are not discriminatory.  They can affect anyone at any time from any demographic. Bridging Communities Inc is a top tier Charity for people with disabilities and providing help in difficult circumstances. Formed in 2011 and run by a board of dedicated and passionate volunteers, Bridging Communities fills a vital gap in community service, by providing a wide range of support and relief to individuals and families in our Western Australian community.   

A standing machine was provided after being wheelchair bound for far too long.
Weighted blankets help children with autism and ADHD sleep soundly
Anne needed help after diagnosis of a rare adult cancer
A mobile airconditioner was peovided for a child unable to regulate his body temperature
Owen recived a purpose built bike for exercise and mobility
A special wheelchair for Tyler who is otherwise not mobile
Supporting Dads of children with special needs
Vital treatment could only be provided at NAPA
A small car for a family in need
A car for a deserving family
Trampolines are a great outlet for children with Autism
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